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What are you looking for?


What is my unique potential? How can I feel more confident as a leader?


How can I make the most of my new leadership role? What is my purpose? What's the best role for my talent and expertise?


How can I motivate my team? How can I enhance trust within my teams?

Team Development 

How can we make use of the unique skills of every team member? How can we create better results? How can we increase trust? How do we create psychologically safe spaces for our teams to develop? 


How can we create more authentic leadership? How can we make diversity and inclusion work for us? How do we enhance the innovative mindset of our people? 

Unlock hidden POtential program

Are you working hard? Does your agenda and the situation often take the lead?


Is it hard to take the time to turn inwards and to acknowledge your own feelings? Your inner compass?


The goal of this 49-day online personal leadership program is to:

  • develop the courage to be authentic at work,

  • build an exploring mindset

  • use your full potential instead of half of it. 

And this...while you are at work!


Learn more? Click here


"I had the honor of working with Anke as she delicately, professionally and deliberately guided me through identifying my unique Talent. 

She helped me understand how to leverage this Talent in my professional and personal life.

Most importantly Anke's compassion, genuine warmth, and gentle but deliberate guidance is the backbone of the amazing work she does."

Alison Spens - Director Fortune 100



I am fascinated by how each client has the ability to transform in an engaged, and pro-active authentic leader. My approach is focused on thinking, learning and doing and is based on brain-based science (Neuroleadership) and western-psychology (Pulsar/Talent methodology).

I make sure we create a safe learning environment to enable the client’s ability to explore the edges of their comfort zone and experiment with new views, rediscovered traits and values, and make change happen.

My encouragement and focus on “getting things done” make sure all sessions are meaningful, mindful and effective, moving towards long-lasting transformation. Clients are sure to walk away with 2-3 actions to practice with between sessions. 



  • Pre-session: What are the client's development challenges? What are the expectations? Is there a match?

  • First Session: What is the exact goal of the coaching engagement? What are the first thoughts on how to set up a gameplan on how to reach the goal(s)?

  • Remaining Sessions: Coaching conversations and exercises to change and challenge perspectives, discover and create insights and/or learning experiments. 

  • In-between Sessions: Structured accountability plan with actions to enable client to reach goal(s) within own workplace.

  • Final Session: Identifying personal development within each development goal. What are next steps? And of course... celebration!

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Isn't it amazing how each person has a different way of making a difference? The key to effective teams is often creating an environment where each individual can bring what they do best. A place in which the differences are celebrated instead of ignored for (false) efficiency's sake.  A place in which people feel safe enough to share new ideas and out-of-the-box thoughts (that's where the innovation starts!).

My approach is, just like in individual coaching, focused on thinking, learning and doing and is based on deep-democracy, creative problem solvingbrain-based science (Neuroleadership) and western-psychology (Pulsar/Talent methodology).

I make sure we create a safe learning environment to enable the group’s ability to have honest conversations and learn together. What are the unique Talents of each individual? And what keeps them from actually using those more often?

I use several tools and exercises to unlock the team's potential and to facilitate the team in creating their own development/gameplan for the future. 



  • Intake/Interviews: What are the team's challenges? What is happening beneath the waterline that is affecting the results? 

  • Session(s): The design of the team development sessions is dependent on the outcomes of the intakes/interviews. 

  • Action Learning Sessions: Sometimes, a team's intentions are best to be carefully nurtured during a longer period of time. Action Learning Sessions are planned once in 4-6 weeks to create insights on how the team is evolving toward making the difference they want to.


"Anke has the talent to create an environment which allows for curiosity, vulnerability and fun.

She helps each individual to go to the level suitable for them, making it a very individual process while enjoying all the extras a group can offer."

Tamara Hofman - Leadership Consultant TPC Leadership


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